XXVII Summer University of Ontopsychology 2014 «Система и личность: передача ценностей»

С 8 по 11 августа 2014 года в Международном центре культуры и искусства Лидзори (Умбрия, Италия) прошел XXVII Summer University of Ontopsychology «Система и личность: передача ценностей».

Научный фонд «Антонио Менегетти» выступил соорганизатором юбилейной конференции, приуроченной к 10-ти летию кафедры онтопсихологии СПбГУ

Белый актовый зал здания Двенадцати коллегий Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета вновь как и 10 лет назад полон гостей. Умные лица, изысканная атмосфера праздника образования и науки ...

The Foundation’s goals and objectives

The goals of the Scientific Foundation are developing integral humanism as a practical culture of philosophy, science and economics; creating the necessary environment for scientific research and projects in various fields; and promoting development of scientific potential.

To achieve these goals the Scientific Foundation has set the following objectives:

  • contributing to establishment of an academic archive for ontopsychology and related academic fields;
  • supporting higher education institutions, schools, colleges, cultural and education centres, department, and contributing to establishing new ones; organising seminars, training courses, workshops and exhibitions;
  • promoting practical application of the results of the Foundation’s scientific research programmes and projects;
  • cooperation with people from other academic and philosophical schools as well as other organisations, think tanks, scientific associations;
  • spreading as much information as possible about various schools of contemporary visual and applied arts;
  • promoting the Ontoarte style through organising exhibitions, fashion shows, concerts and financial support of art schools and galleries.