XXIV Summer University of Ontopsychology 2011: «Онтология восприятия»

Франко Ашутти от имени Сената Республики вручает проф. Антонио Менегетти медаль за исключительный вклад в науку во время торжественного открытия XXIV Летнего университета по онтопсихологии: «Онтология восприятия»...

The Foundation’s fields of activity

  • Organising conferences, workshops, seminars, round tables, scholarly discussions and competitions to support students, young scholars and young professionals in various fields.
  • Organising and carrying out scientific research, working on promising projects in education and practical training for young professionals.
  • Publishing and distributing the results of research programmes carried out by the Foundation, promoting their practical application.
  • Giving out grants and scholarships towards further training for students and young professionals, both for individuals and whole scientific groups and organisations.
  • Supporting higher education institutions, schools, colleges, cultural and education centres, department, and contributing to establishing new ones; organising seminars, training courses, workshops and exhibitions Participation in forming expert groups, academic panels, as well as ones involving experts from abroad.