About the foundation

The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific Foundation was founded in Moscow in 2007.
The scientific foundation was established in accordance with Article 2 of the Russian Constitution: ‘Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value. The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall be the obligation of the State’.
The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Associations, companies and individual citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries can participate in the Foundation’s activities on a voluntary basis.
The Foundation works in regular cooperation with leading universities, foundations, international organisations, governmental institutions and NGOs in Russia and abroad.
The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific Foundation is designed to serve as an intermediary between the worlds of business and science, while supporting and carrying out academic and educational activities aimed at developing humanist values, helping those specialising in different activities to achieve their ultimate goals.
The Foundation also gives out grants and scholarships towards further education of students and young professionals.
The Foundation organises conferences, workshops, scholarly discussions. It also supports and initiates scientific research programmes in ontopsychology among other fields, and promotes development of promising projects in the field of education and practical training of young professionals. It supports higher education institutions, schools, colleges, cultural and education centres and contributes to establishing new ones.