Russia - Ukraine - Brazil BUSINESS 2015

Международный модуль программы MBA Факультета управления и администрирования им. Антонио Менегетти (Бразилия, шт. Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул) прошел с 1 по 10 мая 2015 года в России и Украине. Он был организован ФОИЛ Россия, ФОИЛ Бразилия, ФОИЛ Украина и ФОИЛ Урал....

Международный семинар FOIL по информации и бизнесу в Бразилии

5 марта 2015 года на Факультете Антонио Менегетти состоялся международный семинар, посвященный современным подходам к управлению информацией: "От ограниченной рациональности к целостной информации в мире технологий и бизнеса".

About the company

FOIL is an international group of independent consulting companies working within the European Union, in Russia, Ukraine and South America.

FOIL focuses on enhancing companies’ efficiency through developing its human resources.

What distinguishes FOIL from other consulting companies is that it makes decisions based not only on the best methods of corporate psychology and management but also on the methodology of ontopsychology which reveals the reasons of economic and social processes in the organisation.

Dozens of workshops, hundreds of clients and a multitude of projects are a part of FOIL’s successful activity over the course of the last ten years. FOIL is a consulting group which has both international and Russian experience of running a business in various fields at its disposal. FOIL pays a lot of attention to the figure of the leader, since this is the only person capable of bringing changes to the company in question.

FOIL has been working in Russia since 2001. For more information please visit